Contribution to the Environment Award Nominee

Contribution to the Environment Award Nominee

17th October 2013
We are very excited to be nominees in the Gore District Community Awards 2013, for the Contribution to the Enviornment Award!!

Our fine particle fertiliser is fertiliser that has been finely ground to the consistency of flour...boosting it's efficiency because the nutrients are more readily available, and reducing environmental impact because lesser amounts of nutrients are required.

The fine particle size means reduced leaching and runoff, as well as reduced nutrient loadings on soils and waterways.  It also means very accurate distribution of nutrient to the plants.

Because we soil test and custom-make every fertiliser mix, it's better for the environment as nothing is over-applied, so nothing builds up dangerously in the soil or leaches into our waterways.  Because we apply in a slurry form, no fertiliser is blown away in the wind.

Mainland Minerals can offer you the best fertiliser solution for your soil, pastures, animal health, production and of course, our environment.
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