Mainland Minerals - August Newsletter 2015

Mainland Minerals - August Newsletter 2015

7th August 2015

Hi everyone it’s been a couple of months since we last touched base and it has been a cold few months at that… the snow and frosts have been making a regular appearance and im sure leaving everyone looking forward to a good spring!

While we are waiting for things to dry out, now is a good time to get in touch with your local rep and discuss a cost effective sustainable fertiliser plan for spring, specific to your farm.

We all know it is going to be a challenging time for all farmers this year, the dairy industry in particular. Now is more important than ever to look after the land when farming in tight times. Mainland Minerals can help by sitting down with you and going over all your options to tailor your Annual Full Farm Fertiliser Plan, specific to your farm’s needs, and most importantly tailored to meet your budget.


• With spring just around the corner, we are starting to get busy here in the factory getting spring fert orders out to clients. Early signs are that Sheep, Beef and Deer farmers are applying fertiliser with a “business as usual approach.” Dairy farmers are looking for areas to refine their fertiliser budgets without sacrificing production, which is where we can assist.

• We would like to welcome Dougal Laidlaw to our Sales Team, he is joining as our new Central Otago Representative and with a solid history in farming and agribusiness he will be a great addition to our team. You can get hold of Dougal on 027 455 7453 or

Each year we sponsor & support local Brassica Competitions and are over the moon to announce……
Keith Munro won the best yielding Swede crop at the 2015 Annual Clinton Brassica Competition
Nichol Kane winning best Kale crop in the 2015 Lawrence Brassica Competition
Dean McCrostie taking 2nd place for his Kale crop in the 2015 Milton Brassica Competition
Chris Adams winning the 2014 Taieri Lions Brassica, best overall Fodderbeet crop
It’s good to see our clients are winning these competitions and their crops are thriving using Mainland Minerals fertiliser!


DXM PLUS Extra Magnesium Loose Salt Lick - with added extra magnesium, zinc, copper and iodine.
Suitable for stock displaying severe signs and mineral deficiencies and as a boost for young animals.
Right now is an important time to supplement pregnant animals as their trace mineral requirements are currently at their highest.
Loose Salt Licks in our view are the best form of on demand trace mineral supplements for stock. Being in a loose mineral granular form stock can access as much or as little as they need. The trick is to sort out sturdy feed containers, such as fish tubs, concrete feeders or old drench containers cut in half, you can also supplement on top of hay, balage or silage.
Price is only $26/per 25kg bag, compared to our DXM Extra Magnesium Loose Lick at $25 per 25kg bag.


Soil testing is critical to tailoring your Full Farm Fertiliser Plan, the more we understand the key nutrient limitations (both major & traces) throughout your farm, the better results we can achieve. Talk to your rep about possible areas to refine your soil testing regime!

Well that wraps up another newsletter for winter, remember to keep an eye out on our Facebook for farming updates and competitions, a cool prize pack coming up for grabs will be sure to keep anyone who is Lambing and Calving warm & dry.

Stay warm & talk again soon!

The team at Mainland Minerals Southern

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