Mainland Minerals December Newsletter 2015

Mainland Minerals December Newsletter 2015

21st December 2015
Hi everyone!

And December is here…. wow that was fast!!
This year has gone incredibly quick and it’s nice to be ending it with some beautiful warm days.
December is always a busy time on the farm… but we hope you get the chance to rest a little with your families over the upcoming festive season.


Now that your crops are in and hopefully doing well, you want to make sure they keep ticking along…. We have excellent Winter Green options to feed your crops with Nitrogen, other key nutrients and trace minerals. This not only helps to maximise crop yield, but can also help boost stock health when grazing crops over winter.
Have a think what you would normally do, and if you think there is room for your crops to perform ‘even better’…. then give us a call!


We always love getting feedback from happy clients. Long term clients Blair and Sally Robertson of Merrydowns, Waikoikoi, have an impressive farming operation and very successful Merrydowns Romney & Southdown Stud. This is what they said about their recent fertiliser application.

“We have exclusively been using Mainland Minerals for 15 years. Mainland Minerals provide an exceptional, cost effective product that consistently improves our bottom line”.

See their website for more information


Make sure your calendar is marked for the Southern Waimumu Field Days on 10th - 12th of February next year! It will come around fast.
Always lots to see and do… make sure to pop in and see us, we’ll have the bbq on for lunch and some special offers & giveaways! Keep an eye out for more details in the New Year.

You can keep up to date with Mainland fertiliser news by tuning into our weekly ‘smarter fertiliser’ spot on the Southern Farming Muster on Hokonui Radio (94.8FM) or listen to the links on our
website &

That’s all from us for 2015. Our office and factory will be closing for the Xmas break at 5pm on 23th December and re-opening on the 7th January. However, your local sales person will be available on their mobile numbers if you need them during this time.

We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. For those who are enjoying a holiday over the December/January period, may it prove to be restful and renewing for you.

We look forward to seeing you all again in 2016!
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