Mainland Winners

Mainland Winners

27th February 2014
Te Tipua School Winners
Following a very successful few days at the Southern Field Days, we are delighted to announce the winners of the competitions we were running.

We held a Colouring Competition which was sent to all the schools in the Gore District.  The winning school, with the most entries (I believe every child in the school entered, how cool is that!), was Te Tipua School.  These awesome kids won $500 of new sports equipment for their school! 

The winner of the up to 7 year old section was Meg Miller of Riversdale, who won herself a $200 Warehouse Shopping Spree.

And the winner of the 8-12 year old section was Linda Bos of Te Tipua, who also won herself a $200 Warehouse Shopping Spree.

We also offered a Free Draw to win an overnight cruise for 2 in Doubtful Sounds. There were over 200 entries in the draw, and winner was Wayne Shirley of Kaweku, Gore.  We hope you enjoy your trip.
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